Plan Conversions

What is a Plan Conversions?
Plan conversions are great tools for builders and developers taking their existing hand drawn plans and converting them into Digital Media.  It's fast, inexpensive, and has many advantages both now and in the future...particularly if you plan on using these plans, or variations of these plans, on a regular basis.  

Why Use Plan Conversions?

Developers will use the same basic plan over and over again.  The problem is that these plans will "decay" over the years from continuous use and constant changes.  By using digital media, the plans will never decay since you will always be able to print (when needed) fresh sets.  This also means any changes made will not add to the wear and tear (sometimes rip) on the drawings.

What are some of the Advantages of Converting your Plans?
The list is long, but here is a partial one:

  1. As mentioned above, no more torn, smudged or unreadable plans.
  2. Changes are much easier and far less expensive to make
  3. All changes can be reflected with complete sets of plans instead of partial drawings referred to as Alternate Plans.  This should dramatically reduce mistakes in the field and the associated extra costs that go along with it.
  4. Since 3D Color Renderings can be easily generated from these digital plans, every variation of each plan can have it's own complete set of Sales Presentation Renderings, and since the Renderings are also digital, they can be reprinted as many times as needed with the only charge being the printing cost.
  5. Having the plans on disk, digital, also means storage is much easier.  All the plans can be held on a computer(s).  This makes backing up and multiple copies a breeze.
  6. Since the plans are on computer(s), this gives you the ability to access these plans from anywhere on the network...even from your mobile phone (if the phone is capable).  Don't have the latest set on the jobsite, not a problem.  All you need to do is access your office network and download the changed plans...even if they were being finalized while you were on the way to the jobsite.
  7. What if you ran into a problem on the site and needed to change the drawings?  Just access your network, bring up the plan, and change it as needed.  Print the changes, and hand them to the contractors.  NO MORE DEAD TIME DUE TO CHANGES.  How valuable is that?
Process is Simple.
As state earlier, the process is really pretty simple:
  1. Deliver the existing set of plans, with desired changes or alternate plan options.
  2. Existing Plans are digitized.
  3. Digitized plans are emailed back to client.
  4. ...Did I mention how simple it was?
...and the Cost?
What could be easier?  The cost is based on the square footage and the design of the original plan, and the changes needed.  Each conversion will be quoted on a case by case basis, but the total should be far less than what the original plan cost to design and draw.